Friday, June 29, 2007


I cannot wait until I get to see Dr. Dew (my appointment is not until July 10th though). This is really driving me CRAZY! I am feeling so good- why do I have to stop playing??? I have a new foster friend, Zoe. She stays in the kitchen most of the time, but it's nice to see her every now and then. She's kinda a cross between me and Lula (she's the first one in the pictures in case you can't tell us all apart- who am I fooling, I'm the gigantic one!). Somehow, we seem to get alot of black dogs! That's okay, because they need homes more than anyone! Well I must go for now, I'll keep you posted on my boring recovery :) I'm so glad things are going well though. How's everyone else doing? Mom's gonna check the orthogroup board and let me know. Goodbye for now!

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